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Oct 7, 2010
Hey I'm getting a chinchilla soon and I was wondering how much food I should put in the bowl and how much hay I should put in each day and when I should put it in.

Typically they are supposed to get 2 tablespoons of pellets daily and unlimited timothy hay. Start out with a handful of hay and over time you will be able to see how much he or she eats. Some people don't measure out pellets and just fill up the bowl, but I like to measure out food at each feeding so I can monitor how much my chinchillas eat.

It doesn't matter when you feed a chin, but I like to feed when I get home from work at 6pm so they will have fresh food waiting for them when the wake up that evening.
I also use the 2 tablespoon guide. Mainly because they will poop or pee in their bowls occasionally and there is less wasted pellets to toss when that happens than if the bowl is filled.
I have a crock that attaches to the side of the cage. I fill it up about half way, and their good to go for while. It does need changed out if they make a mess in it, but it hasn't been often.

Hay is unlimited, I typically give them smaller amounts, morning/evening more if needed to help cut back on the mess.
I do my boys cages every night around the same time, between 10 & midnight. Depending on who is who, i give them all about 2 - 3 tablespoons. i dont measure it, i just know that the bottom of their bowl gets covered. i also give them a huge handful of hay every night. some get 2 big handfulls and others maybe a half. after a while you figure it all out and waste less. also if you dont give enough at the initial feeding, you could always add more. i do change my food & hay every night though, i dont let it sit for more than 1 day because once a poop drops in, they are done.
I usually fill up Annabelle's food dish halfway, and its just about empty every two days. I give her little handfulls of hay during the day if I see that she's awake, but I'm home all day and her cage is right where I can see it. At night when I do her cage cleaning & playtime, I put another handfull in. I've found that if I give her a lot of hay at one time, she makes a huge mess, trying to find JUST the right piece to munch on. :witch1: