How much do your chins sleep?

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
New York
I've noticed that one of my chins seems to be awake quite a bit in the afternoons. She's not especially active, but if I go by the cage she 'll be awake, just kind of content and mellow.
How much sleep are they supposed to get? Is it okay for them to be awake for a chunk of the day?
My benny is up all night and then he seems to take cat naps through out the day. like sleep for a half hour to an hour and then he will watch tv for two and go back to sleep for an hour. and it will be that way from 8-5 or 6.
My chin is asleep most of the day/afternoon. When I wake up (which is around 3pm lol) she'll greet me and sometimes come out for a quick run around the room while I clean her cage. Her run can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. Then she's back to bed until about 11-12, and once she's awake she comes out to run again. She ususally rests and takes naps while she's out, like she'll run around for maybe 10 minutes then take a 20-30 minute rest/nap. I'm not sure what she does while I'm asleep, but as soon as I turn out my light she runs on her wheel for a while.
my boys are very quick to wake up whenever i go into the chin room, so i very very rarely see them sleeping. i have no idea how much they sleep, but it must be enough because they are happy, healthy, and full of beans when it comes to playtime, lol.
My boys have the strangest sleeping patterns. Generally they are up for hay around 2 or 3 every afternoon, and again at 10 at night and when my bf leaves for work around 8am. They are almost always awake for playtime every other night from 8 to whenever they go home, usually between 10 and 11. Sometimes Rufus will go for really long periods of time with out sleeping for more than 20-30 mins at a time. He's my little insomniac. I think he has nightmares a lot, he kacks in his sleep much more often than Zoid.
Chins aren't fully nocturnal - there is a name for it but I don't remember what it is. Which means they don't sleep all day. They often catnap during the day. They sometimes even catnap during the night.