How many hours of sleep do you get?

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
I love my 3 13 hour days because I start at 6pm and work until 7:30am--I go home and sleep during the day and have yet to get up to an alarm. Very different than when I worked during the day and slept at night. I hated having to be woken up at the crack of dawn by the alarm. Back then I did get about 8 hours of sleep though, even though waking up from the alarm still made me feel very groggy.

I no longer need the alarm to wake me, I just seem to wake up on my own, but I've noticed now I only sleep about 6 hours. But I feel very rested and am never tired or nod off at work.

Do you think this is because my body wakes up when it wants? Should I be forcing myself to get 8 hours of sleep?

How about everyone else? How much sleep are you getting daily and does it seem like enough?
If you feel rested and don't crash at the midpoint of your day, I wouldn't force your schedule to change. If you start needing a nap at some point, though, it might be time to rearrange your sleep patterns (which is hard to do ime).

I'm odd when it comes to sleep; if I can relax, I can doze off at any point and sleep for about 3 hrs. at a stretch, but after that 3 hrs. I wake up and stay that way for 3-6 more hours before I can sleep again. I dozed off around 10PM, woke up today about 12:30AM and haven't been to sleep yet. I'm going to attempt a couple of hours now, not that I have a reason to get out of bed most days. But Monday might change that, so *fingers crossed*.
Laurie, I think if you feel good and wake up on your own, you're doing fine. I only get about 6 hours a day, too, and as you know I work nights. I work 4 ten hour nights. Six hours of sleep seems to do me just fine. I wouldn't 'force' yourself to get more sleep. I think you're body knows what it needs and if you wake up freely at 6 hours, then that's what you need. I do better when I work the midnight shift. It seems to be the shift I do best on. Whenever I tell people I work the night shift they begin by showing sympathy and telling me they hope I can get on days soon. I politely correct them by saying I love my hours and they are perfect for me. I'm a night person and thank God there's a place for everyone because I have found my place working midnight shift.
OMG Carol I know exactly what you mean! My family is always trying to get me to go to days! They were like vultures when they heard Matt had been fired and wanted to know if I put in for his hours--jeez people the body is not even cold yet and already you're wanting me in? No thanks! I love working nights and like me 3 days a week schedule very much!
I get 9 hours. I've found that if I get less then I don't feel rested and can be very tired. And I will wake myself up after 9 hours, I won't need an alarm.

If your body is naturally waking you up at an hour I feel like you've gotten enough sleep. So if you do good with 6, well then that's what your body needs and is used to.
What is sleep? I get so little of it, I don't remember anymore.
I'm with Peggy, I have no idea what sleep is, and haven't for years. I am an insomniac and may have restless leg syndrome and am up constantly throughout the night. My husband's schedule is also rotational, so some nights we go to be at a decent hours, some nights we get to bed at 2 a.m and up by 8...

8 hours isn't the magic number for everyone. some people need more, and some people can do just fine on a lot less. If you're doing fine with 6 hours of sleep, and you don't have a midday crash, then I think 6 hours is all your body needs and you shouldn't try to force yourself to sleep more. Regular sleep patterns are the most important thing - go to bed at the same hour and get up at the same hour. I envy those of you who know what sleep is!!!
If left to my own devices, I will sleep about 12-16 hours a day, but not all at once. I sleep in three hour "naps", then I'm up for a little while, then I "nap". I don't know, but I'm just always so tired. I've actually been trying to figure out why I sleep so much. o_O;
How much sleep do I get? Not enough!!!

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm tired of feeling tired but I've never really tried to figure out how much sleep I actually need to feel well-rested. I think being on a regular schedule would help a lot! And I can imagine waking up on my own would change things too. Almost everyday, midway through the day, I start to drag and promise myself I'll go to bed early that night. Never happens! By the time the kids get in bed, I just want a little time to hang w/ the hubby and veg out in front of the t.v. When I finally make it into bed, I end up reading for an hour or more. I'm hoping I'll learn to take better care of myself one day.

I know I need to cut out caffeine too, but just can't bring myself to do it. It's a vicious circle!
I used to NEED 8 hours minimum to function, but in the last year or so, I started taking these new vitamins every day and they have REALLY made a difference. Now I can go on 6 or so hours of sleep and I'm just fine.
7-8 most nights.

If left to my own choosing, 10-12. In college, my roommate, who was one of those perky Morning Birds christened me the "Bed Lizard", because I can sleep for so long. I have no trouble sleeping for 10-12 hours, getting up for a while and then going back to sleep.

My sister envies my "Show Me The Pillow" ability to sleep, but I sometimes wish that I spent less time just sleeping my life away!!!

I say sleep however long it takes to make YOU happy -- it doesn't matter what others say/do!!!
I'm lucky to get 4-5 hrs of sleep a day. At least once a week I'll skip a night of sleep. It's not really insomnia, it's just having so much to do. I can function on 3 hrs or more of sleep, but I'm not a happy camper.
I probably sleep about 8-9 hours, but I have noticed that I sometimes need a nap even with that, and if I only sleep 6 hours I'm usually going strong all day. BUT, if I go more than a few days on 6 hours, I crash. Also, I'm cursed by headaches if I sleep too much, sleep in later than normal (even if the total hours is the same), or don't sleep enough. Even taking naps gives me a headache, and wouldn't you know, the only way to make them go away is to sleep some more. I can't explain it, it makes NO sense, so I just try not to change my sleep schedule if I can help it.