How long to nurse my chin back to health?

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New member
Jun 25, 2011
Our chin stopped eating, so we brought him to the vet Thursday. He is very sick and is on benebac, cisapride, and we are hand feeding him. As of today, Saturday, he still is not eating on his own, and we have not seen any poops. Does anyone know when we should expect him to start eating again if the treatment works? Thank you for any help you can provide.
Every chin is different, so there is no real "average" time that we can provide for you.

Did your chin have bloat or stasis? There are some more meds that can be added to the regimen you are giving, but it would depend on what the problem was.

Have you been doing massages to get his gut moving again? Has the vet given subcu fluids?
We have not been doing massages. The vet didn't mention that. How would we do that?

The vet did give subcu fluids, and diagnosed him with stasis.

I just don't want him to suffer if there is no hope.

Thank you for your help.
Each chin is different, but it takes a while to get them going again. Sparky's Stasis Saga gives a the detailed regime I followed when Sparky had stasis. It includes tummy massages and warm compresses.
give your chin some time, I had an issue with one of my chins not eating after an operation, from literally force feeding him with a syringe to feeding him with a spoon and seeing his willingness to eat it. Then to slowly getting him back to pellets. It took me about 3 weeks. But the satisfaction was all worth it. :)
Thank you for your reply. We tried the rice sock this morning, and we will continue to try that. As of today, things aren't looking promising. He still has not pooped, eaten (other than the syringe feeding), or had anything to drink in over a week. I just don't know when to call it quits in order to end his suffering.

Gumby and Elmo,
What did you do about water? Can I give that to him through a syringe as well, or will that make things worse?

Thank you both for your help with the heartbreaking situation.
You need to get him subcu fluids and have the vet show you how to do it at home. Part of Meanie's thread discussed how she gave subcu fluids several times a day. I am amazed he's still alive without having fluids in him at this point. Nothing is going to improve until he has fluids in his body. A chin that is dehydrated can't poop.

Stasis is a huge, often times, long fight to the finish. If you feel that he's responding at all, then keep going at it. You know your chin better than anybody else. Do you feel it's time to stop?
What caused the chin to stop eating in the first place? Chinchillas with undiagnosed teeth issues lead to stasis, if the chin has teeth issues the chin will not eat.