How long before you added a second Chin?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
I have had Delilah for almost a month now and know without a doubt I would love another Chinchilla. I know I would like to adopt another older Chinchilla as I do not want to deal with the "teenage years".
Delilah is 3 yrs old and always been alone so I know she probably will not take to a cage mate. If she did that would be awesome but I am prepared for separate time outs and cages.

Question is how long did you wait to bond with your first Chin before adding another one?

I was interested in a beautiful baby for adoption on here but thought it may be to soon to bring another chin into the house.

I bought my 2nd chin 2-3 months after my first.
I got my second chin about 2 years after my first (which was actually my first chin's brother, long story...). Then again, I was only 10yrs old when I got my first chinchilla, and if I were older, it probably wouldn't have been such a large gap in between. :p
We had Misty almost 2 months when I started thinking about getting another chin. If she hadn't gotten sick I would have been searching for a friend for her right now.
Mine have never been solo, got them in pairs.

It was a year between pairs. Four months since the last pair and considering more. Lol
Hey Crystal,

Not trying to sway your decision either way, but here are some things to consider:

Why do you want another chin?
If the chin doesn't bond with Delilah do you have the time and money for 2 sets of everything? Playtime, cage, supplies, etc...

People choose to add pets to their families for different reasons. If you feel like you're ready to love and care for another pet for its entire life then go for it. I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't think there's a 'right or wrong' amount of time. Each person has a different situation and different way of thinking about things. If you're at a good place in your life, and you're emotionally and financially ready then go for it. Either way you sure have 1 very cute girl to love. :)
I got my first in April and my second in June. That November I added two more. I have been adding ever since.

The decision to get another pet should never be taken lightly though! Make sure you have a plan for if they don't bond, and make sure you have the time and resources for two chinchillas. I didn't find that two made much of a difference for me, but my girls bonded instantly so I only had one cage and one set of everything (those were the days! lol).
Hey Crystal,

Not trying to sway your decision either way, but here are some things to consider:

Why do you want another chin?
If the chin doesn't bond with Delilah do you have the time and money for 2 sets of everything? Playtime, cage, supplies, etc...

People choose to add pets to their families for different reasons. If you feel like you're ready to love and care for another pet for its entire life then go for it. I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't think there's a 'right or wrong' amount of time. Each person has a different situation and different way of thinking about things. If you're at a good place in your life, and you're emotionally and financially ready then go for it. Either way you sure have 1 very cute girl to love. :)

Thank you Brittany, you make some very good points!
I am definitely not running out tomorrow to get another chin. I want to wait until I am bonded more with Delilah and until I do have the extra money for everything they need. I just know I want more than one of these special animals in my life :)
We adopted twins so we had two from the start, and then added a third three months later. The third chin was not planned at all...but I am a sucker for violet wraps and I fell in love with her! Three is good for now...until I win the lottery :p. It's been about 7 months since we adopted our littlest girl.