How long after birth before mommy can bathe?

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Proud chin mama & gramma
Aug 30, 2010
Montreal, QC
My Priscilla had a little boy 12 days ago and I'm trying to remember how long I'm supposed to wait before giving her a bath? I've been checking her vulva and she's not swollen like before but she's not 100% back to normal yet either.

She only had one kit so I'm thinking 2 weeks should be enough time for her to heal up?
This question has been answered time and time again. Very few breeders make their chins wait between bathing. If their day to dust is the day after mom gives birth, mom gets a bath.
Hi guys, I am well awared that there are lots of question asked regarding when to give dust birth after a pregnant chinchilla give birth. But will it be ok for them to have dust bath before and during their pregnancy?