How do you deal with pet stores?

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
-Asks too many questions, sorry :/-

So, today I went to see if a pet shop near us carried chinchillas or anything for them. When I saw the animals there I was horrified. They were mixing rabbits/guinea pigs in the same small cage. Then I saw the thing that REALLY got under my skin. The chinchilla.
The chinchilla was right next to the snakes/spiders/creepy crawling sand things. So when I say it was warm-it was WARM. I have no idea how that chinchilla is making it without having a heat stroke. What makes this worse is that the chinchilla only had food and water. He didn't have hay or any cooling slab..nothing. He was just sitting in the corner. His ears looked like they had red lines in them, and his tail looked like it had at some point been cut off. It looks like he has only half of it. (And he's not young by the looks)
This broke my heart. I wanted to get him to get him out of there, but I would have needed to get a new cage.. and they would just put another one in there.

When I got in the car we told my mom what sort of condition it was in and she called them. Lets just say the guy who answered was very ugly to her and talked so fast it was like he was defensive. He told us ''We've been selling them for 20 years.'' Like. I don't care how long you've been selling them. If you don't know how to take care of them, well, STOP!

So my question do you deal with this? Is there some sort of animal control thing that we can speak to to make a report? I don't know guys I'm just.. :hair: Writing a review online for the store isn't going to help that poor chinchilla.

Also, sorry this was so long..and also if it's in the wrong spot. :wacko:​
First off, I've never heard anything to support the idea that being within eyeshot of a snake or tarantula is bad for a chinchilla. If the temperature is within acceptable ranges, there's no reason the chin couldn't be near the spiders and snakes.

As for the store, I usually screw together my courage and go back in there with a camera. Usually the humane agents can't do anything about temperature since even some people on here try to claim that 80* and humid is fine, but if there's no food or water, they can be cited for neglect.

After that, I usually type out a calm, cool, collected (and yet, still scathing) letter explaining everything they're doing that endangers that animal's life, and provide reliable sources for it (The Merck Veterinary Manual is a good place to start; excerpts are available in the Chinchilla FAQ section). I usually close it expressing some kind of regret about how my conscience will not let me shop in a store that neglects to research their stock's needs and sets such a poor example of proper pet care. It helps if you know enough about the other types of animals they keep to point out husbandry fail all over the store, not just in one section. Common screw ups are overcrowded rodents/pocket pets, fish tanks, and iguana/lizard enclosures; too small areas for birds and active animals like puppies/ferrets/rats/rabbits; not cleaning equipment between tanks/enclosures; improperly trained staff.

Your mother can probably deal with the rude guy on the phone the same way anyone should handle poor customer service; call his manager, explain calmly, and ask that some kind of action be taken.
First off, I've never heard anything to support the idea that being within eyeshot of a snake or tarantula is bad for a chinchilla.

That's not what I was getting at. I was saying it was hot. To the point I didn't even want to be in there long.
Thanks for your advice. I'll tell my parents.
honestly I don't go in if I don't have too... Just like I don't read CL adds. You cannot force someone to change
I tend to only go into pet stores once in awhile. The local PetCo employees all know me. They never really want to let me love on the chins but then I point out that no one really gives them the time of day, so they let me pick them up and hold them. I make a point of remindind them to give them dust baths etc... at first they simply rolled thier eyes, but now they know me and they listen...

you can catch more bees with honey than vinigar - win them over and convert them to better pet care - point out that well kept animasl sell better... "you know he's looking a bit greesy - I bet a dust bath would clean him up and help him sell faster... It's so cute when they play in the hay - I bet ft you added a big pile of hay to that cage, someone will fall for her and take her home soon"
The only option is to stay out. If the cage is clean and food and water provided, there is nothing you can do.

The local store hands out sheets I made up for them and takes my suggestions on products and care items to sell for them because they know me. I have a job there whenever /if I want it actually, lol.
You can complain or donate some things that the chins could use.

I did this, and it worked! I complained to the manager, donated some things, and the chins in that pet store are much healthier and happier!
We went to Petland the other day and there were two guinea pigs that were in the rabbit enclosure. I told an employee because I thought they were there by mistake, but she said they were male and were separated because they were getting "frisky". What do you say to that kind of crap? This is the same store that's breeding the rats in store, and insists that they can't guarantee gender of rats, and houses males and females together.

To a certain extent you can make complaints and some things may change, or perhaps they'll take suggestions, but it's nearly impossible to make broader and consistent changes in a store. While an employee may listen to you, chances are these changes result in protocol changes. It's best just not to purchase animals from what you deem to be a sub-par environment.
I am disgusted to hear that they would keep a chinchilla so close to a warmer cage...
unfortunately a lot of pet stores don't know much about chinchillas in general. Especially here in Canada, when we bought one of our chins from the only pet store that sold chins, the girl working there even told us she didn't know anything about them.

regardless, all chinchillas deserve a good loving home, no matter where they come from.
Unfortunatley a lot of pet stores wont listen, i would try to give some advise but if the animals are not well cared for i would also risk going in and taking pictures and reporting the store. If i couldnt get around to getting some pictures i would get a friend to do it and if they say something tell them you know someone who might be interested and thats why you are taking pictures.

Sadly theres not much you can really do but if condtions are too bad maybe someone will look more into it :(
I pretty much avoid pet stores at any cost. I might frequent PetSmart if I need a fishie fix, but other wise I don't, especially the ones that get my feelers in an uproar. I know buying that animal will only bring more in it's place. Some just don't listen, even if you talk to them until your blue in the face!
I went to a local petsmart looking for a chin once...they suggested I buy him a plastic bottomed cage, and a large plastic ball to play in. They are very uneducated, and the local petsmart here treats chinchilla like large hamsters. When I inquired which food there chins eat, they said "we don't carry what we feed them".
I went to PetSmart a few months ago and they had to small standard grey chinchillas in what seemed to be a hamster cage. I just makes you really want to buy them and take them home.
I have been kicked out of a pet store. Because a woman was buying a chinchilla and the lady helping her get chinchilla stuff was picking out stuff that can make them sick. So I asked the woman buying the chinchilla if she minded if I suggested some stuff (still stuff in the store) and she agreeded. Long story short the manager came asked what we could do to fix this I responded kindly That I am looking for a job and I know so much about most animals and I would happly take a job. Then he kicked me out >.<

That is when I pulled out my chinchilla cards! It is a card with chinchilla friendly web sites. And gave it to the woman buying the chinchilla. Then I left.

There is not much you can do unless you want to become bull headed and maybe even banned from the pet store :p

I was only at the pet store looking for Lava ledges because they were having a sale. (they were all sold out)

But I did help the lady. The card had my number on it and she text me and I helped her out.