How do you clean your cage and with what?

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Dec 6, 2012
I know this sounds like a simple question, but I would appreciate feedback. The cage is a multi level with shelves and ramps -a deluxe ferret setup from petsmart.

Daily, do you pick up the poop/wipe up urine with tissues, paper towels? Do you use a damp cloth, winded, pet cleaner? What do you use to wipe down surfaces or ramps?

Weekly, do you change out the whole bottom pan or clean our areas throughout the week? It is a solid bottom and using a blend of kiln dried wood.

Is there anything that should not be used for cleaning?
I shop vac my cages a few times a week between liner changes. I wipe down the pans with a water/vinegar solution. I wash the fleece liners every couple of days in Nature's Miracle, vinegar, and unscented detergent. When I used bedding, I spot cleaned throughout the week and completely changed out the bedding once a week.

You definitely do not want to use any type of house hold cleaning chemical for cleaning that aren't safe around pets. My favorites are Nature's Miracle and the water/white vinegar solution.
I spot clean every night (get out the sticks that have been stripped of bark). I wash my liners once a week (with Tide and a little white vinegar)and vacuum poops every couple days. I wash ledges and dishes as needed in hot water with vinegar. When the weather is nice, I roll my cages outside and hose them down ever so often.
The shop vac idea was great. I had an old, small upright unit in my basement with a handheld piece that I never used because it hardly had power, but it is perfect for getting inside the cage (w/o the critter in there) to get the poops off of the ramps/ledges.

Do many people really cover all surfaces with fleece?
I use a tiny handheld broom and sweep up the poop and hay that's been strewn about. Once a week I change out the litter (I use a litter at the bottom of the cage as well), wash out the cage pan that holds the litter, and vacuum around the cage. I haven't had the need to sand/wash the wooden shelves yet. Mochi only pees in the litter so far.