How do I safely attach wire mesh to baby-proof a FN 182?

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Chinchilla Enthusiasts!
Jan 12, 2013
Flagstaff, AZ
Hi all! We have a ferret nation double unit that we are currently decking out for our chin baby hopefuls. We have built wood shelves, bought bass metal pans and now we need to attach wire mesh to prevent escapees.

My question- how have you done it? Do you have pictures? We're pretty competent when it comes to building, so we are confident we can do if, we just want some pointers and suggestions from the 'pros!'
I attach it from the inside (so they cant push it out). Just use plastic zip ties and secure the edges and various places so that it's secure. The biggest pain for me was cutting it...I had scratches all over!
How did you attach it inside? Did you let it be a little tall or did you fit it under the metal borders to each panel? I'm afraid of the chins cutting themselves on the wire I cut to fit...
Mine was attached with some thick wire when I got it, bit some of it came loose so I re-attached it with some screws, washers and wingnuts.