How can I keep my chin from getting lonely?

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Chelsea Ohhh
Oct 1, 2012
I have one female chinchilla who is about a year and a half old. I've had her for a year now and she's super friendly and I normally spend a lot of time with her. However, this semester I am student teaching and also taking another course so I'm gone for a good portion of the day, and don't have very much free time when I am home. I still get her out of the cage for 30-45 minutes every day for playtime and I try to spend as much time as possible with her, but I just feel guilty that I'm spending less time with her than usual. She seems perfectly happy and her behavior hasn't changed, but I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions to keep her from getting bored or lonely for these next fifteen weeks while I'm incredibly busy. She has tons of chew toys, a wheel, and a cuddle buddy in her cage, but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do? Thanks!
I think you are doing just fine! There are many chins on this board who don't get playtime everyday, sometimes just once a week and some never get playtime. As long as you provide plenty of toys/stimulation, she should be happy and healthy. Maybe rotate her toys once a week so she doesn't get bored with them. Does your chin like the TV/radio? I don't know where you keep her, but you could leave it on softly during the evening so she feels like there is someone there. I say evening because chins sleep during the day and I don't think mine would enjoy the radio/tv, but yours might? They aren't used to it and frankly, I believe it annoys them. :p

I work full time and go to school three nights a week, so I can understand how you feel. My chins don't get nearly as much playtime as they did before. I try to make them new toys once a week and give them chew sticks often. Some nights I am really tired and I basically check on them and go straight to bed.

Rest assured, you are still spending plenty of time with your chin!
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