Hi everyone, just made an account on this forum after many weeks of looking over past threads on various topics! A very good forum which has been my main source of information as far as my chinchillas are concerned.
I'm spending a lot of time looking into housing 4-5 chinchillas together and how I would go about it. Something I'm stuck on is a fair cage size for that amount of chins? And where I'd be able to buy said cage considering I'm in the UK, I haven't seen any of the ferret nations around which I see spoken about by the US members. Even the biggest chinchilla cages I can find online just don't look big enough to me, so any information on a decent sizing would be very much appreciated. They do also get a good 3-6 hours of run around time in a large room under supervision, every night.
I'm spending a lot of time looking into housing 4-5 chinchillas together and how I would go about it. Something I'm stuck on is a fair cage size for that amount of chins? And where I'd be able to buy said cage considering I'm in the UK, I haven't seen any of the ferret nations around which I see spoken about by the US members. Even the biggest chinchilla cages I can find online just don't look big enough to me, so any information on a decent sizing would be very much appreciated. They do also get a good 3-6 hours of run around time in a large room under supervision, every night.