home-made cages

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i'm hoping to become a first time chin owner and am interested in building my own cage. i've seen some really great cages build from cabinets (with safe wood and wire fronts, of course), but if any of you have any suggestions/tips/pictures/dos/dont's or anything else they would be GREATLY appreciated :)

thank you!
i haven't been able to find a lot on melamine, but if its safe for the chin it's what i would prefer.
and i must say that carol anne has made amazing cages and i have modeled much of mine after hers!
if you cant find the melamine go with the kiln dried pine.
Just remember, melamine is safe to use, as long as they can't chew on it. It is toxic if they consume it. It's important to cover any exposed edges they could chew with metal.
I just make the shelves edible. In fact my whole cages are edible shelves are easy to replace better to be safe then have to worry that the get a nibble in where they shouldn't