Holy Pellets!

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Active member
Sep 1, 2012
I'm sure this is a familiar scene for all of us. The chin's playtime is over, they've been corralled for the night and the first thing you do is grab the broom and vacuum to clean the play area of all visible signs of their excitement of chasing one another and having a grand romp out.

Something has changed in our house however. Our newest member, Hummus doesn't only produce pellets, that's like saying you might find a bee or two in a hive, he produces mounds of pellets; at least twice as much as Pita does.

The pellets are solid and dry and his appetite is healthy ( he loves his hay ) and he's drinking well. He just seems to have an astounding capacity.

Should I be worried? Or should I be worried about Pita's lack of pellet production?
Chins normally poop about once every 30-60 seconds, some poop more then others but all should be within that frequency under normal conditions (vet visits and stress can cause them to hold it in). So long as the poop isn't abnormal (sticky, smelly, wet, etc) from either, I wouldn't worry too much. Lack of poop is more concerning then lots, but if Pita has always produced that amount it's normal for him. Likewise if Hummus is always producing lots then that is what is normal for him.
Thank you for your reply. I at first thought it was the change in diet, Hummus gets Timothy hay along with the pellets he was use to and joked about our little poop machine with my daughter. As time went on and it didn't decrease I began to worry.