My name is Alysia. I live in Idaho with my boyfriend. We both have two gorgeous chinchillas. Popeye McWhiskers and Olive Oil who are 4 and 3 years old. Popeye is a mosaic and Olive is a standard grey. Popeye is very laid back, very talkative, submissive, and is neutered. Olive does not talk, is very rambunctious, she is a huge diva, is dominant, and when she gets mad when her dad stands in between her and the tv she will throw a poop pellet or two at him. They are the loves of my life and I love them more than words could explain.
My name is Alysia. I live in Idaho with my boyfriend. We both have two gorgeous chinchillas. Popeye McWhiskers and Olive Oil who are 4 and 3 years old. Popeye is a mosaic and Olive is a standard grey. Popeye is very laid back, very talkative, submissive, and is neutered. Olive does not talk, is very rambunctious, she is a huge diva, is dominant, and when she gets mad when her dad stands in between her and the tv she will throw a poop pellet or two at him. They are the loves of my life and I love them more than words could explain.