Highly sexual, but is he happy ?

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Feb 28, 2011
So last night I changed my Chins cage around a little. he has a FN 142 and i've slowly been making changes, taking the ladders out, putting in more ledges, shelves, etc. Last night I took out the last ladder and that side plastic shelf that is located in the bottom section and put up more ledges in its place. While doing this he was in the top part of the cage and I blocked that off so he couldnt come down...well when i was finished and uncovered the opening he came down and checked out the new digs. After a few minutes he was leaping all around and had a little routine going where he kept doing the same thing over and over...leaping from ledge to ledge then after his routine he would run in his house and do a complete flip in there...like he does when he takes a dust bath..but just once -then run out and repeat the routine of leaping then running to his house and flipping. LOL It looked like to me that he was happy but was wondering if anyone has seen their chins do this flip thing or know what it means?

Also I posted once before that i had a huge issue with my Chin (Chingy) humping my hand/arm nearly everytime i put it in the cage. (Had him for about a month) Well he would also hump a cardboard tunnel. I bought a smaller cardboard tunnel -a little smaller than him, took the fleece cover that came with the FN for the ladder, put the tunnel in it and wrapped it in the fleece. He has started humping that now. ALOT Now almost everytime I put my hand in his cage he smells me then runs straight to that thing and starts humping it ! lol I'm glad he is humping that now instead of me but it's weird that he took to it so quick and goes for it when i put my hand in the cage. Just thought I'd share that info. If anyone can tell me what the flips mean i'd appreciate it. Hope it means he is happy as he had a sad little life before coming to me :(
He sounds happy to me too. Oscar is similar but seems to have settled some. He prefers having a cage to himself and has never given me any reason to think he's not happy.
thanks guys ! It was funny watching him do this little flips the other night. He hasnt done them since but he seems very happy and content. I have been buying different woods, perches, and chews for him from sellers on here and he has been getting new exciting things almost every day. Just put the wheel in last night. He has never had a wheel so i'm not sure how long its gonna take him to figure that one out.
lol! he sounds very happy to me, maybe he's really excited he's getting new toys to play with:D But, the humping sounds...disturbing...haha! Maybe he's lonely.
For the humping, I would recommend a cuddle buddy.

Or two or three :laughitup: Oscar has one for each level and his attention is now taken out on them.

I'd also like to say that a humpy chinchilla is not a unhappy or lonely chinchilla. Oscar is very happy as an only chinchilla and a poor candidate for a same sex companion. The only mate he'd take is a female and would soon have to be separated because she'd quickly get pregnant. When this happens I will be a breeder and not a pet owner which I am better suited for.