
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
L.A area
Hi my name is emma, and i have two standard chinchillas, timothy and benjamin!!!

i know you shouldn't impulse buy, but that is what i did with these guys, "rescuing" them from petco. they are my first chinnies, and at the time i knew nothing about them. i have had them for about 4 monthes now, and they seem pretty settled. i have been avididly reading everything on this site, but i couldnt register until today. i have so many questions!! :)

right now my boys are in a smallish petstore cage, but in 2 weeks i am getting a FN! i also have a bunch of online chinchilla stores who i am just waiting to call up and smother with chinchilla orders!
i feed them unlimited timothy hay and oxbow chinchilla pellets, but im not sure how much to give them. i am not entirely sure how old they are, but i would approximate a year or so, and they eat everything i give them. do chins overeat at all? oh and also, how much food should i buy for them? 5lbs?

THANKS!!! :):):)
Hello & Welcome!

Chinchillas don't typically over eat, so free feeding them is fine. You don't want to have more food than you'll use in 3 months. After that time, the nutrional value starts decreasing.

ok so you said free feeding, does that mean that i should put a little more food in the bowl when i see it is empty? i usually feed 1 tbsp each twice a day, in the morning and at night.
Hi and welcome! You might want to check out the "Chin supplies for sale" thread on here....you can find anything from houses to hay! Glad you joined us! :hug2: