Hi there! Kushi is scratching a lot

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Feb 26, 2012

For anyone who missed my introduction, I am a first time owner of a ten week old chinchilla kit.

I'm noticing Kushi is scratching behind her ears quite a bit, and is occasionally chewing her tail. Is this normal grooming, or is there something I can do to help ease any itching? Other than the scratching she is acting perfectly normal and happy.

Thanks for any advice you may have! :)
If she is chewing her tail, she is probably stressed. I would give her space and let her adjust to her new environment.

How often do you give her dust baths? Too many can lead to itching.
I don't think I mean chewing the way you mean chewing. Its exactly like if she can't scratch her tail with her legs, so shes using her mouth instead.

She gets baths every third day. Is that too often? If she goes more than that she tries rolling in the shavings, and that is an ineffective method of getting clean.
Haha, my chins try to roll in things that aren't dust either. Chins love dust baths in general- they would take several a day if they could.

Once every third day might be too many dust baths for right now, depending on where you are from. I'm from Indiana and the air is very dry right now, so my chins only get one once a week. When it is more humid out, more dust baths are ok.
It is so funny when they attempt to roll in their bedding. My little guy always did that. Especially if there was some leftover dust from the last time he dusted in the cage.