Hi New hear and me Chin just died

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Checo and cheech

New member
Nov 30, 2011
I had 2 Chins for the last 2 and half years and one just died tonight soon as we got him dack to the house from visiting the vet.
I would like to know if this is going to affect his cage buddy and should we be thinking of getting him a new friend.
I don't know anyone else with these furry friends and here there is a posibility that someone here can give us some advice.

Ta much:thumbsup:
What had the gone to the vet for? was either of them showing signs of being sick? Is your remaining chin eating, drinking and pooping!
I'm so sorry for your loss. Yes, I expect his cage buddy will miss him a lot. Spend extra time with him, watch him closely for eating drinking and pooping. Take it extra easy on treats, look on here which treats are safe. Oh, he may like a stuffed cuddle buddy from Annie, a member on here. Don't get a chinchilla soon, if at all. He may like him he may never like him and have to live separate. Some will say it's not possible but my boy Tibbit died of a broken heart. I knew he was sad but I didn't realize how bad things were until it was too late. Keep us updated with him and his antics, Theresa
Hi and welcome. Wish you were here under different circumstances and I am so sorry to hear about the death of your chinnie. Spend extra time with your chinnie, and a cuddle buddie might help also. Your chin may not accept a new friend, and you would then need to be prepared to have them in two separate cages. Some chins do fine on their own. But for now, all the extra attention you can give your chin will help him with this loss. I wish you all the best.