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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Lets make love not war...
Oct 10, 2012
Hello everyone!
Just wanted to say hi and tell alittle about us. My husband and I are huge animal lovers! We have 2 dogs(Zar our great dane,Chichi our pit)3 cats(goblin,fatty,naruto),clarice the hamster,4 fish(oscars/suckerfish) and now the proud owners of 2 3 1/2 month chins named Mr.Chillie & Spooky.
Our chins are the first pets we have ever gotten after doing our homework and thank god for that !7lol!
We are still learning and this forum has helped us out big time!
Our chins have their own quite room with a nice cage and plenty of night time attention! They keep finding ways to make us laugh
Welcome and thanks for joining! The members and the FAQs here are awesome!
Hi there fellow animal lover! Your animals have some great names! Congrats on your new chinnie additions!