Hi from Northwest Missouri!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jun 19, 2012
Don't mind me, a complete chinchilla newbie, stalking the forums reading about all your wonderful chins.

Since pet sitting my co-worker's guinea pigs several weeks ago, I've had this 'itch' for a new pet. Not wanting to rush into any decisions, I've started to learn more about chinchillas. I don't think I've done this much research college! Everything from watching videos, reading forums and even visiting a few pet stores (poor guys). This seemed like the next logical step; learning from the experts themselves.

So hi! I look forward to learning more and who knows, in time, I might have a chin to call my own.
Welcome to CnH. Good for you for doing research before buying. You'll be all set then when you bring your new fuzzy home. :)
Howdy and Welcome!!! You've come to the right place if you want the best for your new chinnie. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience available from the members of this forum!!!
Welcome to the forum. How refreshing to read your researching the chin as a possible pet. And this is a great place to learn the whole spectrum of ownership. From postings about pets to those breeding and showing. Any number of us can answer any questions in private as well should you not want to post a question to the forum. No question is too stupid.
The forum contains some of the greatest minds who have put years into caring and keeping the chin. And it's so nice when you have a mentor to call upon when you need help. And I believe we have more then one on the forum working towards a vet degree.
