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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Nov 21, 2011
Hi I just joined and wanted to tell a little about myself. I have 4 Hedgies, and 1 Chin and many other animals. My chinchilla is a rescue and I still have much to learn about them as I dont know to much other than bare basics. His name is Ash, I dont know his age but guess that he is young. He is blind in one eye and does not have the other eye. :cry3: He was a dump at a petstore in that condition. I am oping this site will help me learn more about Ash and help widen the knowledge I already have about hedgies!
Welcome to the forum! This is definitely a great place to learn about chinchilla care. If you haven't already, I would recommend looking through the FAQs. There's a lot of info there to get you started!
Hi and welcome! I am so happy to hear that you are willing to give Ash another opportunity at a better life! There is a lot of great information here, and some great people who love to help!
Welcome to CnH. :)

Never fear. Chins do just fine blind. You need to make accommodations with the cage - no high shelves, etc., mostly common sense things.
Your wonderful for rescuing the fella. Good first thing to do is go into the housing and supplies section and post about his cage type and what the inside is like, toys, housing, etc. That way you can get some feedback on the best way to accommodate his special needs. Special needs chins can live long happy healthy lives with the right love and care. You will find all the guidance you could ever ask for right here just a click away!