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New member
Dec 10, 2012
Hello all,
My boyfriend & I have been privileged with owning a Chinchilla since May of 2012. We got him when he was 6 weeks old & have given him a very loving home. Any questions we ever had were answered on here! I'm not 100% sure but I think he is a Mosaic. His name is Beado, and he's very social. Now that he's grown, we've decided to get him a friend. Her name is Pearl, and she's white. We'll pick her up on January 5 2013, and she'll be 10 weeks old. Since Beado is all hormonal right now, we're getting her a separate cage that we will sit next to his so that they can get used to one another before we put her in with him. We couldn't be more excited to be getting this little Angel :) I can't wait for her to grow up so that they can be the best of friends! I'm happy to be a new member of this forum so that any future questions I have can be posted on here! Thank you all!
Welcome to the forum!

I would suggest that when you bring Pearl home, you quarantine her in another room before sitting her beside Beado's cage. That way you can keep an eye on her to be sure she is healthy and doesn't have any illnesses before potentially exposing Beado to something (URI, fungus - you never know).
Hi and welcome!

As said, if you put a male and female together, they will breed, unless one has been fixed. But it is always easier to put two together that are the same sex. Also keep in mind, chins don't always become friends and could fight and not be able to be caged together. Just make sure to quarantine for a month.
Please don't put these chins together. They will breed. And look up lethal factor. Since they are both whites this applies to them. Are you planning to breed? Do they have pedigrees? Do you have baby proof cages and plenty of spare space, time and money?