I feel really bad right now because I haven't been able to give my little boy a whole lot of attention lately. Anyway, I checked on him night and the first thing I noticed was that it looked like he had peed on himself. I lifted him up and noticed his penis was protruding a little bit. Oh dear, I thought for sure he had some hair on there or something. So I took him out and I looked. Nope... nothing. Well, that's strange. Now he has always been a bit "happy" with his penis, cleaning it regularly and whatnot. I've never really had a problem with him having a fur ring. So then I thought maybe it was a little dry down there or something. I put a little dab of lubricant on there and moved it back in as much as I could. But it's still kinda sticking out a little bit. Should I keep messing with it? Or just leave it be and see if he gets it back in by himself? I've never had a problem like this before, so I guess I'm not sure if it will go back in or not.