Congratulations and Welcome Home. Is always great to hear we have one more hero back in the states safe. My Step dad is fixin to be deployed in Sep for 9 mo.
WOO HOO and YEE HAW! I know how you are feeling, as mine just got home yesterday! And that this is your guys' last deployment makes this homecoming even more special I am sure! Please tell him thank you for all that he does for our country and many thanks to you for being a loving supportive military wife!
Enjoy your time together!
Thanks everyone! Boston - glad your hubby is home too! The weekend went by too fast, I am back in TN and he is still in NC trying to outprocess over the next month but that will be over soon enough!
congratulations to you and an enormous amount of thanks to him!
my boyfriend is in the national guard and wont deploy until done with school. last summer we went through basic training and i know that will only be the beginning of military life. stories like yours remind me to always stay positive and have faith. it takes a strong person to love and deal with military life, and youre a great example of that! thanks for being the support of soldier. they need all the love they can get