Help with 2 chins

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
Chin #1: I took her in about a week ago for her eye was watery. The vet
said that he didn't find anything wrong with her teeth. X-rays
ok. He prescribed neopoly? eye is still the same. She is also not
eating on her own so I am hand feeding. He also prescribed amoxicillin
and metacam in case there is something else is wrong. Tonight she
had a lot of normal size poop. Still not eating on her own.

Chiin #2: I took her in to another vet since my vet was not in due to lost of
weight and not acting normal. She also had 3 babies Aug 1st. While
we were waiting I noticed poop not normal and blood. The blood was
coming from her vulva. I told the vet she had babies. I didn't see any
complication after birth. She said maybe infected uterus. She took an
x-ray to see if her organs were large to the effect not working
correct. The x-ray did show some food in her from the day before.
She prescribed cisapride and enofloxacin. The enofloxacin I have to
give to her until she has normal poop. I have been giving her cc
since last night as of tonight she still hasn't poop. Should I be
worried? The babies are with their dad due to the medicine. I will
be making an appointment Tues with my regular vet. Also should
she be spayed?

I am also hand feeding the 3 babies which are a lot easier then
I might be wrong.... but im pretty sure chins should not have penicillin of any kind. I could be mistaken but it might be something to look into before giving it.
I too was told penicillin is not good for chins. She does not have to be spayed if your not going to keep her with Dad and if you are going to keep them together then it would be smarter to get Dad fixed. Good Luck with your chins! Kudos to you for hand feeding everyone! :)

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Pet penicillin is the same as human penicillin just a smaller dose. Infact at most walgreens and Walmarts will fill your pets prescription for $4 per prescription. Just like us humans. I think I seen on here a list of meds that are ok for chins. I'm looking for it. :p

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I'll ask my vet tomorrow when I make an appt about the penicillin.

How about chin #2 still no poop? She has been eating a lot of cc so I don't understand why no poop for 2 days now. I am worried about her not pooping. Yesterday morning she went from 736 to her last feeding 756 grs. The mom will be living with her daughter and not bred again.
How many feedings and how much cc per feeding are you getting in her ?
Motility meds usually work thier magic fairly fast but when a chins gut is static like that I've seen it take up to 2 days with small plentifully feedings, warm sock on the tummy and lots of massage to try and manually get it working. Also playtime and movement will help a lot with the GI.
Have you been giving any probiotics ? They will certainly help her gut get its normal flora back. With the antibiotics killing every thing, that alone can be rough on the gut.

Unless there is Infact a medical reason to spay, some sort of complication ect i would think it unnecessary at this time.
Is she on a pain med?
When chins can't poop it's often quite painfull and when they are in pain they won't want to move around, if they won't move it's harder to get the guy back up and running.
You may want to add a second motility med to the cisipride such as Reglan to really try and get that GI moving
Absolutely no penicillins (this includes amoxicillin) of any kind should be used with chinchillas. They can completely wipe out the intestinal flora and cause more problems than good.
How many feedings and how much cc per feeding are you getting in her ?
Motility meds usually work thier magic fairly fast but when a chins gut is static like that I've seen it take up to 2 days with small plentifully feedings, warm sock on the tummy and lots of massage to try and manually get it working. Also playtime and movement will help a lot with the GI.
Have you been giving any probiotics ? They will certainly help her gut get its normal flora back. With the antibiotics killing every thing, that alone can be rough on the gut.

Unless there is Infact a medical reason to spay, some sort of complication ect i would think it unnecessary at this time.
Is she on a pain med?
When chins can't poop it's often quite painfull and when they are in pain they won't want to move around, if they won't move it's harder to get the guy back up and running.
You may want to add a second motility med to the cisipride such as Reglan to really try and get that GI moving

Saturday she received 1 feeding since we got home late 20 ml. Yesterday's feeding 20 ml at 8 am, 10 ml at 11 am then not again until 8:30 pm 20 ml.
This morning when I got up 20 ml. Should I give her smaller amounts of cc? She only gets those 2 medicines, no probiotics or pain meds. I will try the warm sock and massages. I don't want to give her anything until I make an appt with my original vet tomorrow.

I will be able to give her more attention starting today since I will be home.
Amoxicillin is not penicillin ( I understand it's the same family, but it's not the same thing, many humans who have pen reactions, don't have amoxicillin reactions). I have used Amoxicillin in the form of Clavimox with no issues for years in chins. When giving any antibiotic always get a probiotic to counter the flora effect. Baytril is horrible for the gut, but yet it's given. I'll give Clavimox before Baytril for an oral.

For #2, the Baytril will SLOW the GI and cause constipation, the cis will move the GI... so it's kind of balancing game there. At the risk of getting attacked because I'm usually on the other side of the fence, give her some raisins to help get things moving, no more than 2-3 at a time. Like I said I don't usually recommend this, but no poop in two days right? There's a reason they feed prunes to elderly people. Also make sure she's drinking plenty, offer free feed hay and promote exercise, maybe let her out to run for a bit to get things moving. What did they see on the xray? Signs of uterine issues? I wouldn't worry about a spay at this time, uterine infections can happen and be cleared and mom can go on without any problems with later litters.
For #2, the Baytril will SLOW the GI and cause constipation, the cis will move the GI... so it's kind of balancing game there. At the risk of getting attacked because I'm usually on the other side of the fence, give her some raisins to help get things moving, no more than 2-3 at a time. Like I said I don't usually recommend this, but no poop in two days right? There's a reason they feed prunes to elderly people. Also make sure she's drinking plenty, offer free feed hay and promote exercise, maybe let her out to run for a bit to get things moving. What did they see on the xray? Signs of uterine issues? I wouldn't worry about a spay at this time, uterine infections can happen and be cleared and mom can go on without any problems with later litters.

The x-ray was to let us know if her insides was enlarge due to no food. When my husband gets home tonight I'll have him post it. She thinks she might have a uterus infection since she is bleeding from her vulva. I will try the raisins and exercise between feedings. This is the pits hand feeding so many chins at once but I have to do what I have to do.
When they aren't pooping I usually go with 10-20ml at a time but quite frequently and I aim for roughly 60-80ml per day, more on a chin who is pooping.
15ml feedings every couple hours seemed to work well for me, along with massage and run around time after every feeding.
Smaller amounts more frequently are a bit better because puting a huge amount of food in a chin that isn't pooping can be quite uncomfortable/painfull for them.

Eta-As for rasins, I'm not too keen on that idea, I've seen the sugars feed the bad bacteria and make things worse. Although since she is on baytril to kill all that bad stuff it might be worth a shot.
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I don't always recommend raisins, but they do have a "prune" effect, and since she's already on Baytril.

One thing I would worry about it is that it's a GI problem with the bleeding from straining? But that should show on the xray if there is an obstruction....
Amoxicillin is not penicillin ( I understand it's the same family, but it's not the same thing, many humans who have pen reactions, don't have amoxicillin reactions). I have used Amoxicillin in the form of Clavimox with no issues for years in chins.

Amoxicillin is still a penicillin. It is not the allergy effect that is contraindicated in chins, it is the fact that penicillins of all types have the high potential to completely wipe out the flora in the GI system, leading to overgrowth and causing enterotoxemia or severe enteritis. Plumb's states that amoxicillin is completely contraindicated in chins, rabbits, g.pigs, etc. There is no way I would use it due to the risk of super infection and any vet that prescribes it should not be dealing with chins. Baytril, while still not the greatest, does not have near the effect on the GI flora as penicillins do. That is why it is the "go to" choice for many vets dealing with exotics, even though many infections can be treated with sulfa drugs..they tend just to go straight to the "big guns". It is more of a taste factor causing nausea, leading to anorexia, and so forth. It is much more tolerable in animals that are affected by the penicillins that mess with the GI.

What about the baytril slows the GI?
Chin #2: I offered a raisin yesterday she refused it. I took her to the vet this morning she was Lethargic. He didn't want to spay her until Thurs or Fri until she can get her strength back up. Wednesdays they are closed. He will do aggressive meds and feedings. I told him to let me know if she doesn't make it until then.
I would not use amoxicillin, hindgut dysbiosis in which clostridial enteritis as a secondary infection occurs is likely using this drug, my drug of choice for the big guns is chloramphenicol which rarely causes dysbiosis, even when used orally. And I also have never heard or experienced antibiotic GI slow down, using any antibiotic.