Help!Selecting a cage!

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Yello,I am getting a chinchilla next month and pumped for it.But theres one problem.The cage!Im thinking of getting a quality cage chinchilla mansion,I youtubed it,it seems to work fine.Note:Im not getting fns because you have to by the pan.Im willing to go as high as 366 dollars.I want my chin to be happy.Yes im only getting one,but I want to max his happy level out!
We have 2 Qc Mansions and love them. I would suggest getting the 2 door version and ask for the big door on the bottom. Get metal door guards and 1/2 wire for the very bottom.

We have drop-in grids for both, too.
Thhanks very much,but I live in canada,that would be LOADS of money sadly.I am only 16(suprising,isnt it) but my brother told me I could use his account.So i dont really need the bottom door.

edit:i said 10 lol im 16 and this is my twins account.he uses the same pass and let me use it cuz i dont have one.
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You may want to check out craigslist in your area. There are Ferret Nations often on CL, and they are fantastic cages.

If you are willing to go that high in price you have a wide range of options.
I dont want ferret nations,They are ferret based cages,I want a cage made for the specs of chins,thanks though.
I have a QC mansion and my boys love it. :) I did have to make the shelves, but for all the stuff to make the shelves, it was only $80, but I got expensive wood. It has 1 huge door at the top that opens and 1 good sized door in the front. I can get my upper half in it to clean, but I can't reach the top without a step ladder... maybe I'm just short :rolleyes:

It has a wire bottom, but a slide out pan goes over it, so I don't think you need to worry about spacing on the bottom unless you are going to leave him in the cage when you are cleaning it. You can put a fleece liner in the bottom if you want; I'm in the process of making one since my boys are sensitive to different beddings.

It is plenty of room for my 2 chins, so 1 will be really happy. I have seen the FN and QC side by side. While I like the design of the FN, I personally like the QC better as a chin cage. :)

Good Luck!

Here's my thread on my cage, and some pics
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Thanks so much,who would have known,I picked a very good cage!
If you check the site you will see that they now have a critter nation that has been specifically designed for chins and other small animals beside the ferret nations. I like the mansions as well but I find that the FN and CN are so much easier to clean and the cage plus the pans shouldn't be more than you are planning on spending. I have both and if I had my choice everyone would be in the FN and CN. If you are every planning on raising little ones the CN is great because it is baby safe. Hope this helps.
Nah the mansion seems so well designed,I want to get the best,I am willing to go 1000+ even,but the mansion seems awesome cuz its a kit.
The ferret nation is arguably the best of the best cage out there for chinchillas. It's larger than a mansion I think, and just because it's made for ferrets, its fully adaptable for chins. But if you don't want a FN, just get the mansion.
The QC Mansion is, arguably, the best cage out there for chinchillas.

>I am willing to go 1000+

But you can't afford the second door? I think you need to do a bit more research. And no, you being 16 is not surprising at all.
I have 3 FN's and they are actually about the same money the QC mansions costs by the time you get the wheel, shelves, pan, etc. I think it cost me about $100 bucks to customize my FN's, bringing the total of the cage to around $280. I only got 1 pan so that was around $20, the wheel was $60, and the shelves that I made myself were about $20.

It's all a matter of personal preference. You can't say there is one cage out there that is the best of chinchillas, because many cages can be customized to be the best for the specific owner. IMO, FN's are the best, hence why I have 3. The full front opening doors allows for you to easily reach the chin, easily reach all corners of the cage to clean or hang accessories, and I love the overall look to them. QC cages look a bit too industrial for me.

But then you will have the QC fans who will rave about the QC cages. They're just not for me.
The QC Mansion is, arguably, the best cage out there for chinchillas.

>I am willing to go 1000+

But you can't afford the second door? I think you need to do a bit more research. And no, you being 16 is not surprising at all.
I dont need a second door im getting a deluxe pack plus i can fit in verry small places.
Thhanks very much,but I live in canada,that would be LOADS of money sadly.I am only 16(suprising,isnt it) but my brother told me I could use his account.So i dont really need the bottom door.

edit:i said 10 lol im 16 and this is my twins account.he uses the same pass and let me use it cuz i dont have one.

I'm 16 aswell and I think a chin is a great method to grow responsabillity (spelling? srry)
Something I convinced my parents with ;)
>I dont need a second door im getting a deluxe pack plus i can fit in verry small places.

The second door isn't to facilitate putting stuff in.

If you know everything about it, what is the point of this thread?

How to put this gently? You don't know enough about what you are doing or buying. You won't consider the opinions you asked for. In short, you are acting like a young teenager who confirms the belief that chins are adult companion animals.
I would definitely listen to all the advice people on this forum have to offer. They are all very experienced and a majority of them own rescues or are breeders. They're definitely the experts! :) I don't know what I would have done without all their help.
When I first decided to get a chin, I didn't know anything at all about them- but I thought I knew everything so I didn't listen to anyone else's opinions. Now I really wish I did. I got my heart set on a cage that isn't the best for my chin, and now I can't afford to get another one.

Everyone just wants to make sure that you and your future chin are as happy as possible.
Looks like you already have your mind set on the QC mansion. Both QC Mansion and FN are nice cages and I am sure your chin won't complain no matter which one you get him/her.

However, if you want to hang heavier wood items like a wooden daybed or tunnels, I'd suggest the Ferret Nation because it's more sturdy. FN is also a little easier for poop collecting since you can just open both doors instead of pulling out the whole tray...
Just adding my two thumbs up on the QC mansions. I have 2 and love them. I have lots of stuff hanging in mine and haven't had any problems.

Good luck with whatever you decide.