help please!

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New member
Mar 10, 2012
My chinchilla got her foot stuck on her cage this morning..she wont walk on it so I put her foot and water on the bottom of her cage..this morning she was eating perfectly fine and she has eaten a couple raisins since then..I am a poor college student i really cant afford the $50 vet visit just to have her seen and then more if anything is wrong...ANY ADVICE?? :/
Please take her to the vet ASAP, you never know what really happened to her, it can be serious, better be safe than sorry.
Borrow money from your friends/family if you really need to.
That's all I can suggest. Good luck.
alright...i have work tonight is there anything i can give her until i can take her in???
My advice - go to the vet.

$50 would be way cheaper than any vet visit I've ever taken a chin to. If you can't afford $50... I would say you need to find a cheaper pet. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but chins are animals that tend to cost a lot when they get hurt. $50 is a drop in the bucket... if your chin's foot or leg is broken and needed amputation... the vet bill would be significantly more than that.

If your chin isn't putting weight on the foot, she needs to go see a vet. She could have a broken foot, broken leg... even a broken pelvis. We've gotten in several chin at the rescue that have had those problems where people have not taken the animal to the vet and the bone has healed wrong. Sure, the animal's probably ok years later... but imagine how much it would HURT to have a broken leg and just let it heal without going and see a doctor.

My advice? Borrow money, use a credit card, apply for care credit. Do something that gets you the money to make it to the vet. She shouldn't have to suffer, so she needs to be seen by a vet.
I agree. She needs to go to the vet. And if you truly cannot afford a $50 vet bill, let alone anything higher, then perhaps it's time to find your chinnie a home that can. I have spent probably about a thousand on *one* of my chins within the last year and the only vet visit he had that was under $50 was when he came in for blood work and I think the vet felt sorry for me. Chins are _not_ cheap animals to have. And honestly, neither is a hamster, rat, ferret or any other living thing that needs to see a doctor when they are hurt or sick. Waiting is only going to put her in a position of being in pain longer and a higher vet bill for you if she injuries herself further.
Please take this chinchilla to the vet. It is what she needs. And just a quick note: raisins are not good for chinchillas. They have way too much sugar in them. Ditch the raisins and find a healthier snack for your chinchilla. You could end up with more vet trips if you continue to feed it raisins.
Is she holding the foot up? Is there any swelling? Can you feel along the leg and feel any breaks in the bone? Does the foot appear to be flopping around? Are there any wounds on her foot or leg? Also, is this a front leg or back leg that got caught?

I wish I could look at the leg myself, but since none of us can probably see your chin's leg in person, you will probably have to go to the vet on Monday. I'm glad that she is eating, that's definitely a good thing...but the sooner you have it looked at the better.

Where are you located? Maybe we can find you an experienced chinchilla vet near you.
Many vets are open on Saturdays or have emergency services. If I saw one of my chins had got their foot stuck/hurt they would be at the vet immediately. I agree with others. Don't get a pet if you can not afford it. A chinchilla is easily as costly if not more so than a dog or cat and can live just as long. Chinchillas are long term investments. Borrow money from someone, use a credit card or apply for care credit but get your chinchilla seen iquickly. A chinchilla in pain can go downhill quickly.

Since raisins were mentioned... I'm curious what food your chinchilla is eating currently. Especially if she's hurt/under the weather she's going to need a high quality pellet. Does she have access to hay on the bottom level?

Have you blocked off the rest of her cage/taken out ledges so she babies her foot as much as possible? What type of cage do you have? It may not be chinsafe and you may need to modify it so your chinchilla can not get hurt again in the future.