Help! Pellet stuck in chinchilla anus?

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Nov 30, 2012
I don't even know proper chinchilla genital anatomy, but I assume it's her anus. My chinchilla, Tina, has a pellet of feces stuck in her rectum for the past few hours. I saw it when I was putting her back and figured she just needed to poop and that it was nothing to give a second thought on. A few hours later when I was cleaning her cage I picked her up by the tail and she still hadn't passed the stool. It's an hour later and she still hasn't passed it. I don't know if this is the same stool or different ones, but she doesn't poop as much as my chinchilla Aretha does. The two girls are also eating and drinking MUCH more than usual. There's no change to their diet other than the fact I had my mom stop giving them so many raisins once I found out she was giving them more than they should be having. Please help! I want to know if my baby is in pain!
Someone else might know more on this than me, but could she be constipated from the total cut off of raisins?
I'm hoping someone can help you out, but in the meantime, I would make an appt. for your chin to see an knowledgeable vet. Chins are pooping machines, and less poop can certainly indicate a problem. Chins shouldn't have any raisins, and taking them out of the diet is good. Can you feel your chin's tummy? Is it soft, or hard?
Well, not to gross you out or anything, but remove the poop. If it's gone and another one shows up, you know she's passing poop. I have many times picked up a chin and had it have poop still in progress. No biggie.

Weather changes can also account for a change in eating and drinking habits. My chins will change the amount they eat depending on the season. Have you had weather swings lately?