Help! Paco the chinchilla!

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New member
Jun 10, 2016
Hi, I'm new to this and am extremely worried for my chinchilla, paco.
He is around 9 years old and he is a male. The last couple of days I have came home to an eye that appears to have had discharge and his chest has been wet. I know usually what this means and I'm worried for him and have no money to take him to a vet as I'm only a student in high school and money is tight in my family. I woke up this morning and his chest was again I believe from drooling and I haven't seen him eat much. He is still very active but I'm worried for his health and I have no idea what is causing this issue. If a chinchilla develops teeth problems will it eventually lead to their death? if so, how long? I feel terrible knowing he's probably in pain and there's not much I can do for him. Help and responses are appreciated.
If he is in pain and you absolutely cannot afford vet care,even Care Credit then the best solution may be to place him in a rescue. It'll be hard and painful for you, but at least he can get the care that he needs.