help my chins had a baby what do i do?!?

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New member
Jun 18, 2010
Okay so i have what i thought was 2 male chinchillas however yesterday i discovered a baby in the cage so obviously one is female what do i do? will the male kill the baby? should i separate them i am so distraught over this someone please advise me on what to do!
thank you!
I dont know much but im sure the male needs to be split up from the mother and baby...Others will be able to give more adivce though, congratulaions on baby and good luck :)
Firstly, calm down.

You will need to separate the female and her baby from the male. The male could breed back the female, impregnating her all over again.

Move mom and baby to a baby safe cage. Taken from the Breeding FAQ's
A kit safe cage should have openings of no more than 1/2 x 1 inch.
In a pinch, you can wrap a cage in hardware cloth.

Mom should be able to care for the baby. You should get a gram scale (can be found in Walmart in the kitchen section) and weigh the baby to be sure it is gaining weight.

I am not a breeder, so I can't offer much more advice. Please ready through the breeding and babies FAQ's and this thread will offer a lot of advice:
Figure out the female and separate them. Although the male won't necessarily kill the baby they will continue to breed, in fact the female may be bred again already as they can breed back immediately after birth. Since you don't know if these chins are related, any of their backgrounds, etc. it would not be ideal to continue to allow them to breed.

Make sure that the mom and baby are in a cage with small wiring that the baby can not get out of. Keep her with lots of fresh hay, clean water, and pellets and make sure they baby's belly feels round, this indicates that they are getting plenty of milk.

The male and female will probably call to each other, and the male may even shake the bars of the cage wanting out, or pace. This is not because they love and miss each other so much, it's the equivalent of a hormonal teenager in the middle of a swimsuit contest... his only desire to be back with the female is to continue the species.