HELP! Metal bars looking to cover and make more safe

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New member
Aug 5, 2015
Hi! I am getting my first chinchilla! The cage I have has metal bars throughout three levels. I was thinking to get fleece to cover the metal parts to make it safer for the chinchilla's feet.

What do you think? Ideas?

Also first time owner - for potty training any suggestions?

I can't offer any suggestions for the cage, but potty training is fairly simple. If you have shavings down, just put some that's been urinated on in your little pan of choice, and finish filling it with clean shavings. Clean the rest of the floor THOROUGHLY with a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water, and wipe dry.

If your chin doesn't take to it right away, keep at it, make sure the litter pan in cleaned regularly, always leaving a little of the soiled shavings behind (Just a couple soaked pieces is plenty.) and cleaning "accidents" as you kind them.

Now, some chins just don't take to litter training and there's not really anything to be done for those. They're just stubborn like that. ^_^;;