Help! housing and bumblefoot

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New member
Nov 19, 2014
My chinchilla is prone to dry feet... but I'm afraid he might have bumblefoot this time! Whe I found blood in the cage and my poor chin was pulling at his feet my heart broke!

I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.
My question is, could his housing situation be causing it somehow?
I'm scared maybe this is my fault!
Is a cage like this too rough for a chinchilla?
Any suggestions on what I could do to prevent this?

Thanks in advance


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It seems pics aren't working on the forum again, try uploading to a photo site like photobucket and then link to the pic.
Without seeing a photo all I can say is, bumblefoot is an actual infection of the foot not just dry cracked feet. An infection, depending on how bad, needs meds, but simple dried cracked feet just need some bag balm or vitamin E to help heal them.

Once you get the cage pic up I can help more with suggestions for the cage.