Help - Chins turning on cagemates

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MY chinchillas are pyscho! i dont know how to post threads or what ever but i just want answers my chinchillas all lived together in the same cage all their life the 3 of them and then about 3 days ago they all went psycho and started killing each other now 2 of them has missing fingers the other one hands almost got bitten off and like they were covered in bites cause they stareted to hate each other when I was at work so I tried seperating them I divded the cage up in 2 and put one in a rat cage but i know he cant stay in there like has this happened to anyone??
It happens to a lot of people. You will need to keep them separate permanently from here on out. A fight that is that aggressive and damaging is not going to be forgotten by the participants. Buy a third cage for the one that is in the rat cage and resign yourself to having 3 single chins.

Sometimes it's puberty that makes them do that. Sometimes it's the fact that the sky isn't quite the right shade of blue. But once they fight like that, they won't stop.
I used to have 3 pairs of chins and one trio. Now I have 4 single chins and one pair. (Yes, the numbers are right- 3 of my chins have died due to attacks by their cage mates.) It happens a lot. I am keeping the singles in their own cages from now on, and crossing fingers that my last remaining pair continue to live together peacefully.
I think it happens more with 3's than with 2's I know it happens with 2's but I am definately seeing a more unstable pattern with the 3's.
I always chime in with my opinion, since I've had this happen to 2 pairs.

In both cases, on the advice of my experienced Exotic veterinarian, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, I had them both neutered and got them back tgether successfully.

They spend most of their time snuggling happily together, but as always, I remain vigilant for any sign of aggression and have a spare cage at the ready...

I agree -- separate them immediately
Started chasing.

I bought two male chins from a breeder. One is 3 years old, but small, and other one is 10 month old. They had been caged together, and the breeder said that they could be caged together with any problem. They are fine with each other. Not cuddling or anything, but they are just good together. But, last night, the young one started to chase the 3 year old one for 10~20 minutes. The older one was running away constantly and they were so fast running around their chinchilla hotel style cage. They have two hideouts and one tunnel. So, they should not fight over a hideout. They were not facing each other to fight, bite, or make noises or anything. They were just chaing. What was that about? Is is something that could turn into the horrible fight situation?
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I bought two male chins from a breeder. One is 3 years old, but small, and other one is 10 month old. They had been caged together, and the breeder said that they could be caged together with any problem. They are fine with each other. Not cuddling or anything, but they are just good together. But, last night, the young one started to chase the 3 year old one for 10~20 minutes. The older one was running away constantly and they were so fast running around their chinchilla hotel style cage. They have two hideouts and one tunnel. So, they should not fight over a hideout. They were not facing each other to fight, bite, or make noises or anything. They were just chaing. What was that about? Is is something that could turn into the horrible fight situation?

Chasing can be one of the first early signs of a pending attack. I would keep a very close eye on them, and if you notice any fur about the cage,the chin being chased appearing to be stressed, or the chases becoming more aggressive or happening often, separate before it can be taken any further. It can happen no matter what the ages of the chins.
I have two sisters that are approx 6 years of age, everytime I put them in the pen together the smallest one will chase the bigger one. Fur everywhere. I now take them out separately for play time otherwise they one goes at the other.

figure it out???
With males it usually starts when they hit "puberty". Both Mr. Whiskers and Baby, and then The Snuggler starteed picking on Whiskers (previously neutered along with Baby who later died suddenly and from unrelated causes) when he (Snuggler) reached puberty.

He and Mr. Whiskers are now together...
It happens all the time. Friends one minute and enemies the next.