HELP! chin eating penis and BLEEDING! NO HAIR RING!

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New member
May 18, 2013
Hi everyone
I'm pretty desperate and need your help
My chinchilla has been months chewing her penis to bleeding
And No hair rings! I clean the individual perceived all the time, worried a little oil and return
I went to many vets and some experts say it may be the hormones, after all he is young (something like 8 months)
My vet castrated him last month and he still bites his penis and bleeding there!
He loses a lot of blood (there were times it was all full of blood, even his house and cage
And once to stress throughout the body

Sorry for my bad english
Has your vet checked for either a skin infection or a urinary infection? Chins generally self mutilate when they are in pain. They will actually chew the offending part of the body completely off.