HELP! Baby chin attacked

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New member
Dec 9, 2011
We just got back from church and found one of our baby chins full of blood on the top of its little head. He was fine before we left, and we are not sure what to do. The babies are 2 weeks old. Tucker (the bloody one) is 61 g. He was 67 on Friday. His smaller brother Cooper is blood that we could see (He is white so we could see if there was even minimal). Should we take him away from mommy? Or take both away?? I am on the way to the store to get fixings for formula, and my husband will keep him warm w the heating pad. Any advice/help at all is very much appreciated.
This happens quite often. The kits were probably fighting over milk. Momma probably doesn't have enough milk. I would keep the little one warm and clean up the injuries. If it is bad, take the little one to a vet to get treated. You will probably need to rotate the kits and/or hand feed at least until the injured on is doing better. If you rotate, you should leave the injured one in with mom 24/7 and remove the other kit 2 hours in with mom, 2 hours out. Considering that the injured one is losing weight at this point, I think the other is not letting it nurse.
We got him to eat 2 syringes of formula. He ate like he was starving. How much is he suppose to eat at this point? And do we still have to stimulate him to go to the bathroom (He is 2 wks old today)?
I hand feed until they are full. They will stop when they are done. When they start to really struggle and push away the syringe, they don't want any more.

I've had it where the littlest one will turn on the bigger one to get milk. They can be quite feisty. If it was me, I would do as suggested and rotate out the one who is doing the attacking. Let the beat up one stay with mom at all times and rotate out the other one. When the one that is out goes in with mom, I would hand feed the other one so that he doesn't challenge the aggressive one for milk.

Also, keep a close eye on the one that got beat up. It's very easy to lose a young kit to shock. Make sure he's eating, gaining, etc.