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My mom was here over the weekend and brought my kids a giunie pig i trimed its claws because they where so bad curling around almost into his feet my ?? Is how do i keep this from happening and any thing you can tell me about them i am kinda dumb in that area as i have done no research for it as i wasn't expecting it have kept it away from my chin in different room anything else i need to know?
the only thing i know of guinea pigs is that they need to eat fresh food, like romaine lettuce and other fresh greens.
Guinea pigs are social creatures and, like humans, need vitamin C. So you'll want to add foods with a good amount of vit C in addition to those leafy greens that mishellyshel mentions. You can also get those yogurt drop supplements. Good job with clipping piggy's nails. I'm sure s/he appreciates it. Keep piggy's water fresh and clean. And provide hay... piggys' teeth grow throughout their lives and need things to help keep them nice and trim. Gosh, what else... salt lick... a place to hide... bedding to keep piggy warm...
They are great pet but if I remember correctly they are harder to bond with other guinnea pigs then chins to chins. We had one when I was growning up that lived to be almost ten. Stay away from lettuce as it has too much water but oranges and apple were always a favorite. Carrots and califlower was also very good and some broccoli. Not too much broccoli as it can give them gas. Other then that the pellets you give your chinchillas and the same hay.

They also enjoys run around time and like a monthly bath. The area around they're bum can often matted and dirty its easy to trim the area.

They can make alot of noise chirping and "singing", but they are fun to talk to as well. They are alot of fun. I hope your family enjoys the Cavy
You need a high quality pellet diet made for guinea pigs, plenty of fresh timothy hay, fresh water, and a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is a must and can be found in pellets as well as dark leafy greens. Parsley is a wonderful vegetable to give on a daily basis.

Never feed chocolate, onions, iceberg lettuce, nuts/seeds, avocado pits. Carrots can cause stones so go easy on offering those. Cauliflower and broccoli are very gassy vegetables that should also be given only in moderation.

Make sure you include a hide so your piggie will feel safe. They are shy creatures.

They are known for being social and can be kept with other guinea pigs of the same sex.

Their bodies are not built for wheels, but they love playing with toys such as tubes, balls, wood chews, etc.

You will have to watch those nails and keep them clipped because they will curl up if too long.

For bedding, I'd recommend carefresh or other paper product.
Lettuce does not have to much water in it. But most people feed iceberg lettuce which has the nutritional value of water soaked cardboard. We eat a lot of veggies and fruit and they pigs LOVE our "leftovers" when I'm cutting it. Carrots are okay, they LOVE celery and lettuce ( green or red leaf lettuce or romaine ).

ETA: Guinea pigs should not be in balls ( should any animal? ) or wheels, clipping their nails is the best way to keep them "in shape" my boys like baths too, I just give them a bath when they get a little smelly, which really isn't too often, and I check their nails at that time too.