You need a high quality pellet diet made for guinea pigs, plenty of fresh timothy hay, fresh water, and a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is a must and can be found in pellets as well as dark leafy greens. Parsley is a wonderful vegetable to give on a daily basis.
Never feed chocolate, onions, iceberg lettuce, nuts/seeds, avocado pits. Carrots can cause stones so go easy on offering those. Cauliflower and broccoli are very gassy vegetables that should also be given only in moderation.
Make sure you include a hide so your piggie will feel safe. They are shy creatures.
They are known for being social and can be kept with other guinea pigs of the same sex.
Their bodies are not built for wheels, but they love playing with toys such as tubes, balls, wood chews, etc.
You will have to watch those nails and keep them clipped because they will curl up if too long.
For bedding, I'd recommend carefresh or other paper product.