Hello! Very new Chin mom here...

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Oct 17, 2011
Vacaville, California
Hello all!

I just got my first chinchilla about 2 weeks ago, a year old Violet male. We named him Woodrow =)

We love him very much but of course have many questions on how to make him a well behaved friendly little man! We have our good days and bad days right now, he's got quite the personality!

I live in California, little Woodrow is my only pet (well, I have a betta fish too), it's just me and boyfriend living in our townhouse. I'm 22 and he is 25.

I've been reading posts on here for about the last week and decided to register today so I can ask some questions of my own!

I look forward to all of your advice, help and stories!

Welcome Kaity and Woodrow. I can't wait to see pics, I'm starting to fall in love with violets :)
Welcome! :wave3:

in my noggin, well behaved and chinchilla don't belong in the same sentence, lol! they have the knack to get into everything and anything, and chew on whatever they deem tasty. best thing is to make sure your chin's cage and play area are as safe as possible, because the little boogers will find any way possible to get into mischief!