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Nov 30, 2012
Hello! My name is Lauren, and I'm a sixteen-year-old kid from the south. I live in Florida, and am currently being homeschooled due to health problems. I'm in the Choctawhatchee Marching Band, in which I play the Flute. My passions include music, chinchillas, writing, drawing, and roleplaying.

For my birthday, I got a white mosaic chinchilla. This is her, right here.
At the store, she had already been named. Tina, after Tina Turner. I decided to keep the name, and she's been known as Tina ever since. Sometimes I take her to the pet store where I bought her so she can visit the people that used to work with her. She seems to like it a lot. <3
Recently, we purchased the other female chinchilla that had been in the same cage as her. She was named Aretha, after Aretha Franklin. And yes, she does seem to like the song "RESPECT".

I started out with a hedgehog which I named John. John... John was a mean hedgie. He would charge the cage when I came within six feet and would constantly bite no matter what I did. He flipped over his food bowl a lot, which I would have to fix, and he would attack me then. I decided that it would be best if I took him back to the store. He clearly didn't like me, even though I loved him very much. I wanted him to be happy, so I wanted him to be with a more experienced owner.

But I got Tina and Aretha, and they're very happy.

I hope to make a lot of friends on here! <3
Hi Lauren! Welcome to the forum! Tina is such a cutie! I love the names Tina and Aretha! Looking forward to chatting with you here!