I am a first time chinchilla owner, as of last Friday, so it's been less than a week. My little girl is a black velvet and was about seven weeks old when I got her. Since day one, she has climbed on my arms and onto my head without me having to try to take her out. Her cage is right next to my bed, and if I take a nap in the afternoon, she will get as close as possible, and fall asleep holding the her hands on the cage. Usually, her favorite spot is on the opposite side of the cage, so I guess she is just trying to get close. She falls asleep in the hood of my sweater, and I have to wake her up after a while, because I worry she will over heat. I've been reading these forums non-stop, this past week, all night, and even at work! Because of these forums, I bought a brand new cage, even though I got a cage when I bought her. I went with the FN142, then I bought liners and a saucer, etc, etc, etc. Anyways, since I've spent so much time here, and I imagine i will continue to do so in the future, I decided to register and say hello. So Hi, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you (in advance).