Hello, just thought i would say hello, my name is Keli and I just got myself 2 new chinchillas. their previous owner didn't have time for them because of their new job and decided it wasn't fair to them. Evie is a black beauty, just over 8 months old, and Franko's beige, and his age is unknown. he was adopted after being found in a box on someones porch, and he is missing the tip of his tail, but seems to be fine otherwise. I have had a chinchilla before when i was quite little so my mother still had a lot of the chinchilla lava roacks and chews around and i went on a shopping spree and got a lot of mineral, salt and goodies for them. the only thing is they had a plastic version of the flying saucer which i'm still trying to find a replacement for, and since i'm in Canada (and i'm kind of a scrooge with my money) I really don't want to spend over $110 to get me a wheel so i'm trying to find something second hand first, and if nothing i will try to make one, or get my father to, which he can pretty much make anything, and i seen some basic tutorials online and i believe i can make one fairly easy once i find all the parts. i also have 2 sugar gliders, Scrat and Kirby, which i have kept away from the chinchillas to let them settle in a bit before letting them see each other. i'm hoping they wont get too jealous, as my gliders like to have all the attention. well thats all for now!