Hedgie comes home tomorrow

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New member
Oct 28, 2011
Hi, everyone! I have been lurking for quite a while getting ready for my little girl. I get to pick her up tomorrow after work and I am sooo excited!

I bought everything I needed, or so I thought, then I read more on hedgies from the true experts -forum members, of course- and ended up sending most of it back and starting over. Fortunately, my thermostat got here today and it is keeping the hedgie house at 75 ish degrees. Victory!

I am so excited, I think it will be hard to let her get used to me slowly, but I know better than to freak her out on her first day. Which likely means it will be a few days before I can post pix. I am a (almost) 40 year old woman and this will be my first pet that is totally mine. Silly to be so excited, but I feel like I am as ready as I can be to love her and give her the best home and longest life possible!
Hello and welcome! I can so feel your excitement! lol. Congrats on your new hedgie! I'm envious! I would love to have a hedgie friend but according to my husband, I have more than enough animals already! Can't wait to see pics!
Congrats! I'm so very excited too after reading your intro!! Cant wait to see pics and best of luck with your little girl! :)