Healthy weight for chins?

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2011
New York
I'm looking to get an electric scale to weight Leo, as my boyfriend who hasn't seen him in two weeks just told me he looks like he got fatter.

I have him on Mazuri feed and alfalfa hay, which is available unlimited to him daily.

What is a healthy weight for chinchillas? I just got him 2 months ago from a pet store, and they estimated him to be about 6 months old. So I'm assuming now he'll be between 8-12months.

If he is overweight, do I have to switch his hay? I think i heard somewhere that alfalfa makes them gain weight.
alfalfa hay does have a higher protein level than grass hays (timothy, meadow grass, etc), so weight gain would be more likely on alfalfa.

mazuri is an alfalfa based pellet, so feeding a grass hay as the staple hay, with alfalfa as a supplemental, would be better. too much calcium (alfalfa has a good amount in it) can cause issues with the kidneys, although it isn't reported often.

normal weights for chins can range from 400 grams up to over 1000 grams. i've never heard of any experienced chin owners worrying about their chins being too fat. as long as you have them on a healthy pellet and hay, and are not feeding inappropriate treats, i wouldn't worry about him gaining too much weight at all. most likely he is responding well to the better food you are giving than what the pet store was.
So what type of hay should I switch him to? I think I can get timothy, orchard grass, and possibly one other type that I don't remember.

EDIT: Also. Can I switch hay basically cold, or do I have to mix it like pellets? I am down to the last of my alfalfa so I was going to buy new hay anyway.
You only need to do a gradual switch if you are going to alfalfa, not away from it. If you can get some good quality timothy, you can give him a good amount each day without worrying about it.
Thank you guys, I'll pick up some timothy today to hold him over. I'm looking through all the member's websites to see what they sell. So far I've only seen two sites, but I'm asuming theres more...
And, a good amount of hay means you can load him up on the timothy or other grass hay! :) Hay is a very good thing for chins because it doesn't just keep the teeth ground down, but it gives them that chewing activity that they need so much and provides necessary fiber to help keep digestion and nutrient absorption where it needs to be. I have a theory about hay working as a perfect prebiotic, which would be what sustains the good bacteria in the intestinal tract.

Don't feel bad about giving a chin a giant pile of timothy hay everyday. I love to see them sit and eat hay for gives them something to do and keeps them occupied with the absolute best activity ever for a chin. :)
At his age, He will also be changing shape. as they get older, they fill out and ge.t chunkier. I find their faces get fatter looking. Its probably a change in shape he noticed