Head Tilting?

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New member
May 26, 2013
I've had my little buddy for about 2 weeks now, and whenever I scratch behind his ear, he tilts his head almost to the ground and closes his eyes. I've read online that head tilting could mean that he's sick. He recently injured his leg, and it's healing now, if that makes any difference in this behavior.

Do any of your chinchillas do this, or is this something I should be concerned about?
If, his head is tilted when he's doing normal chin things like eating, drinking, or jumping, that would be a reason for concern. If it's only when you're scratching him behind his ear, then you found "the spot". Like cats and dogs, it's synonymous with "aaaaaaahhhhh, that feels good!"
This is a rescue that just came in not too long ago with head tilt. Am at work so this is the only pic I can get but you can see the difference between turning their head for a scritch and this. This chin was tumbling but since she has been on some meds is much better. The head tilt is here to stay but she is getting around better.

If its all the time then I would be worried. If its only when you scratch him its very normal. Its like a dog kicking its foot when you find that perfect scratch spot. I think its very cute. Not all chins do that.