I agree with Claire's thought.. he needs more than life line. Life line is not a miracle, I mean, many have used it with wonderful results, but nothing will "fix" everything. Getting the CC in him is more important than lifeline, because lifeline is a supplement, not a food replacer ( unless Dawnna has changed something ) right now he needs calories.
Has he been retested for giarida to make sure it's gone? What pellet are you offering? He should be getting hand feed at least 60 grams of CC a day, in through out the day intervals.
I personally would put him in a small cage, no wheels or anything, just a small cage ( obviously not TOO small ) with hay, water, and pellets. Hand feed 4 times a day or so. And maybe try to mix the lifeline with 1 tsp of oatmeal as a treat, ones a day. Otherwise nothing else.
The biggest problem with advice is we don't know what you're doing right now, so we don't know what to suggest to change.
What pellets are you feeding?
How much CC are you getting in a day?
What kind of water are you using?
What do his teeth look like?
Does he have a wheel, really big cage, etc? ( If so he's expending un-needed energy wheeling and jumping, right now he needs to get to a healthy weight )