He has a hump

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Da Vinci when I first got him he had a huge hump
His neck dips in extremly
At first I figure it must because he's so skinny
It's almost 2 months now he's gaining weight slowly
But the dip is still there! I don't know why it's like that or what's causing it

We use to be able to feel his spine kinda spikes now it's not as sharp
Should I be giving him a bit of critical care?
When chins are malnurished they can develop chronic curvature of the spine, aka the hump. It may eventually correct itself, or it may not. Proper feed and time will tell..
Also, hepatic lipidosis also causes hunchback in malnurished chins, so there can be some liver damage there also. Like Riven said, time and good nutrition will tell if the condition is permanent.