Hay for Oil Spill Cleanup!

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Huh - I don't care if it drives hay through the roof for the chins, and I have horses that need it too. If they don't get that oil spill under control, a lot more is going to suffer than just some hay.

I wonder if BP will listen??
I had heard about the hair booms and hair mats. The hay is definitely a good idea also. Perhaps they could use both.
It doesn't soak it up. The hay actually adheres to it, rather than being absorbed by it. So when you pick the hay up and remove it, the oil is clinging to it and you get the oil too.
The grooming salon I work at actually collects the fur to send out to be put in those hair booms.

It really is interesting!
What happens to the hair booms after they've been used to soak up oil? Anyone know where they go?
What happens to the hair booms after they've been used to soak up oil? Anyone know where they go?
They get incinerated. That's the problem with using something as volatile as hay - it can and does spontaneously combust in the climate down here. That would really suck if it did it and lit the slicks on fire. We're breaking and setting record highs (95-98) plus heat index, so it's miserable out on the gulf right now.