Having trouble folding up a QC...any tips?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2012
Albany, NY
I was told to take off the front of the cage, and some of the connectors on the two sides, and I should then be able to fold the sides, bottom and top in.

What would be the best tool to take the connectors off?
Do you take the connectors off completely and put them in a bag, of leave them on the bars?
To fold up a QC, the only thing you should need to do is take off the cable ties that hold the bottom piece to all the other parts of the cage. Then everything folds up nicely, no need to take off any of the metal connectors.
To fold up a QC, the only thing you should need to do is take off the cable ties that hold the bottom piece to all the other parts of the cage. Then everything folds up nicely, no need to take off any of the metal connectors.

This probably sounds really stupid.....but I don't know if I have cable ties on mine.....I seem to just have connectors all around.
This probably sounds really stupid.....but I don't know if I have cable ties on mine.....I seem to just have connectors all around.

nevermind I see them.
So if someone was to put it together...would they need to get new ties to hold it together?
Right, once you clip off the cable ties, you'll need new ones to secure the cage in the "unfolded" position again.
Right, once you clip off the cable ties, you'll need new ones to secure the cage in the "unfolded" position again.

Thanks. I was able to get it folded, much easier then when I first tried to think about how to take it apart. Thanks again!:)

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