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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
Northeast US
...how old you are? I literally have been racking my brain all day to try to remember if I'm 22 or 23. How would I not know this?!?!? Finally, I went on my profile and set it to show my age and looked at the calendar (I was not in math, albeit very simple math, mood) for my next birthday and it said 24.

I'm losing it, guys.

And, I still don't even--ok, ok, I just did the math in my head. I'm definitely 23 (god I hope). But yea, I didn't have a clue.

Is this going to happen every year? Do I need to carry around a piece of paper with my age on it and remember to change it every year?

Is 23 too young for early-onset Alzheimer's?
LOL! I do this all the time! I've had days where I meet someone and learn they're (for example) 28 and I'm like wow that's older than me... then I have to stop and think.... and I realize I'm 25.... and like I was SURE I was like 21 or something. Ugh. I also go into rooms and forget what I came to get, forget where I'm going while driving... all that stuff... I always say I'm an 80 yr old stuck in a 20-something body.
This happens to me all the time. I have no idea why it's so hard to remember. Haha. For a long time I thought I was 26, and I was really 27. I'm a doofus. :p
Sometimes, yes. Luckily the math is easy for me, but I'm just now reaching the point where I don't want to remember my age. I will be 29 in a few weeks; my Better Half had his 22nd birthday in August: thus, I have decided that this coming birthday will be my last for a few years, to allow my darling to catch up to me (and so I don't see that number that comes after 29 before I feel like I'm that age).

Age is a funny thing; you spend the first quarter to half of your life wanting more of it, and then suddenly you don't want any more. :)
Ever since i've turned 15 my brain has seriously stopped counting the years. When people ask how old I am I always pause and have to think about it for a second or two. Its really weird to think that i'm going to be 25 this year and I still have to stop myself from blurting out "FIFTEEN" when asked my age.

I am now remembering there was a whole day I sat there calculating and recalculating in my head how old I was when I was 17.

I think the weird thing is is that I'm not that vein about my age. My brain just stopped registering the years going by after a while. :S

p.s. glad to see i'm not the only one!
Hehehe. It happens all the time. I have to remember how old my husband is to remember how hold I am. I have been teilling people I am 23 for the last 4 yrs. because that is the last birthday party i actually remember
for like half a year after my birthday i have a hard time when people ask. i dont know how many times someones like oh how old are you and i say the wrong thing. glad to know im not alone
For about a year I thought I was a year older than I actually was. Then when my birthday came around I realized I was actually younger! It made me happy that I gained a year though! :thumbsup: