I took in a male and female chinchilla. They were housed together, until I brought them to my home. I kept them seperated for the purpose of not having kits. I consider myself a newbie since I got my first chinchilla in august o8. There was no way I was ready for little ones. I took them to the vet, the did an xray to check for babies, and there was none. I thought I was in the clear. Three weeks ago I got my male, lennox, neutered was anxious to get them back together. They hadnt been seperated for long, so the reunion was not to hard. Took a few days, but then they were all cuddly again. Four days later, yesterday to be exact, my girl, Lala, had her kit! I was a bit upset with my vet, but was happy at the same time. I was sitting at my computer and Lala started making this soft chirping noise. I turned around and it looked like her leg was stuck, I freaked, got to the cage, and seen the new addition. I quickly moved her into the cage I had the daddy in just a few days prior because I had cleaned it and got it set up again thinking Lennox may have to go back in there. Boy, and I was glad I did. I quickly grabbed Lala and put her in the cage also. The baby was still soaking wet, so it had just happened. Lala Quickly got the baby tucked and cleaned. It was amazing to watch. I checked her, and I believe she is a girl weighing in at 57 grams. ( I quickly ran to walmart and grabbed a scale ) Today she weighed in at 61 grams, so she is doing well. My question is, Lennox is a violet, Lala is a standard, baby has a dark black back end, a standard front, and a white tail and white legs and feet. What in the world is she??????? Will her coloring change? How in the world did she not be a standard with tov? Like I said I am new so I am still learning the colors and what nots. I am so nervous, because I did not intend to have kits. I took every precaution I could, but obviously the previous owners did not. Also, for the vet not being able to see she was pregnant 6 weeks ago, is that normal? Thank you all!
Lala- standard
Fancy- hetro pink white biege
Lousie- **** pink white biege
Lala- standard
Fancy- hetro pink white biege
Lousie- **** pink white biege