Has anyone tried Pet Paws on their cats?

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Saw these claw caps for cats and I'd like to know if anyone's used them. If yes did they work? Were you happy or unhappy? Also roughly how much they cost.

The ones I've heard most about are called Soft Claws and are around $18 for a bunch of them http://www.softclaws.com/ I heard about them when I worked for a groomers. I know my boss said they didn't work for her cats, but maybe they'd work for younger cats who can have time to get used to them?

If you're having issues with your cats scratching things, have you thought about getting their nails clipped? Some groomers will trim cat nails also.
clipping a cat's nails doesn't really stop them from scratching furniture They seem to claw at furniture no matter what. As for the soft claws my brother-in-law uses them for this cat and he and his family love them. They have an adult cat and that cat has no problems wearing them. The cost can't be that horrible because he doesn't have that much money to spend. If you have a cat that easily freaks out they probably won't work for that cat
clipping a cat's nails doesn't really stop them from scratching furniture

True true true. I clip both cat's nails and they still scratch the couch and make a mess of it. I have stopped caring about this particular couch (luckily I got it off CL for $40) But the next couch we get I hope to have another alternative. I hope to read some other reviews for the pet paws or other solutions.
They are actually called soft paws and they work well. You clip your cat's claws and then glue them on. Once the cats claws grow too long they automatically start to fall off. If it doesn't fall off on its own you can always clip it off as well (since that is the part that has grown out). I used them for over a year in my last apartment since they had a problem with my cat not being declawed. I loved all the pretty colors, and they stayed on really well. They give you extras if one does fall off though. Just glue a new one on.


You have to have a cat that will let you mess with its paws though. If you have a really squirmy cat that hates its paws beings touched, it is going to be next to impossible to glue them on.
Thanks Crysta! I did see they are called Soft Paws. I'd like to try them on my cats, who are cows and are 9 years old. Since they don't cost a bunch I'm going to give them a try! I'm glad to hear from someone who's used them!
I just envisioned trying to glue them on an uncooperative cat and had to laugh. Make sure Stewart videos it on his cell phone so he could send it to me. LOL Truly, though, I hope your cats don't mind them at all.
If I have any sitting around at home I will make a video for you of how easy they are to put on a cooperative cat. My cat HATES having her claws clipped, but with these she never did fight too much. She honestly never did act like she even knew they were there when she was wearing them either. She would still scratch her cat tree and stuff. Silly kitty. :p
We use them and love them! They are a bit pricey, but they work really well. I'd say a package lasts us a couple of months. We can tell the minute the first one falls off because our cat starts clawing at the carpet again. They are a bit of a hassle because they fall off unevenly so you end up replacing them one at a time, but that is a minor complaint.
They work well on my one cat. The other one pulls them off right away. I don't know how she does it. It's glue that you put them on with and I hold her for several minutes afterward to allow plenty of time to dry, but she still manages. I guess it all depends on the cat. I have tried the Pedi Paws nail grinder with her though. That works really well. It grinds the nails down so they aren't sharp. I grind the tips down about every two weeks. I like it.
I love the picture on the package.
There is this cat just sitting there and letting the owner crazy glue plastic bits to its claws.... I thought of my friend's siamese who would rather shred your face to bits than be touched. rofl

I tried them on my cat (she was ok with us putting them on her).
They sometimes fall off and then you come home to a couple of scratches on the couch. Overall I guess they are ok, but I would say that it depends on the cat.

Good luck!